Project objective:
CREATURES aims at preserving cultural heritage, promoting sustainable and experiential tourism in the ADRION Region by exploiting Cultural&Creative Industries’(CCI) potential, finding a right balance between innovation and conservation of the Adrion rich cultural heritage. In particular, the project aims to strengthen the link between the ICC and the actors linked to the preservation of cultural heritage, to promote strategies and policies in support of Cultural and Creative Enterprises, and to diversify and innovate the offers related to sustainable tourism.
Project activities:
The project will develop the following activities at local and transnational level:
- the Joint Acceleration Programme will increase (especially) CCI-related SMEs and start-ups’ capacities to do business supporting cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism;
- Policy Recommendations, Local Action Plans and related Pilot Activities will provide decision makers with new strategic tools useful to better support CCI in the project fields;
- Mobile app and multimedia installations will attract tourists (especially young people) in the new CreaTourES routes and encourage them to explore ADRION cultural heritage in an ‘alternative’ way.
Expected results:
- Improved understanding, among ADRION Partner States, on the high socio-cultural & economic potential of CCI as field of transnational cooperation to be further explored in close relation to sustainable tourism and cultural heritage preservation-valoristion;
- Increased integration and strengthened transnational collaboration between key-actors of CCI, sustainable tourism & cultural heritage sectors at local, regional, national and ADRION Region level;
- Enhanced “body of knowledge”, at ADRION R. level, through transnational thematic researches, support tools, pilot actions and experimentations developed by PPs in the project fields;
- Improved policies and practices supporting CCI, within a more integrated and joint ADRION strategy aimed at the sustainable socio-cultural development and economic growth of the Region through the promotion of sustainable, smart and innovative tourism;
- Well-defined transnational identity and raised awareness of PPs and relevant stakeholders on common cultural heritage in the ADRION area as an orientation framework for individual, innovative and sustainable actions in the project fields;
- Improved responsible tourism behaviour of all stakeholders, especially young tourists, for the development of jointly agreed utilisation approaches;
- Preserved cultural heritage of partner regions, valorised in a sustainable, innovative and creative way, under the ADRION common brand;
- Diversified tourism quality products-services in the ADRION partner regions involved.
- Reduced seasonality of tourism demand in the Region.